Monday, June 30, 2008

From Him: Web 2.0

Apparently mentioning it on the blog is an excellent way to convince the sexy wife to skip out of work and head up to the room.

God I love Web 2.0

From Him: Looking in the mirror

Regardless of who is better at working and playing, we sat outside on the deck last night having drinks with a nice group of people. Other than a very cliche "I'm not drinking any more" from the sexy wife this morning as she stumbled out of the room at 8:00am to start work, it was a lot of fun. The sexy wife loves gin at night and regrets it in the morning.

There is another couple at this event who have only been together for about five months. Both have their own kids (as the sexy wife and I do), and he is still in the middle of the ugly part of ending a previous marriage. Talking to them was kind of like looking back at the sexy wife and I a couple of years ago. Including the fact that whenenever they look at each other you can tell that heading back to the hotel room is high on the list of things to do next. Which, now that I think about it, isn't a bad idea.

What is interesting, and a little spooky, is that he mentioned us to the new girlfriend before coming down here as an example of relationships-in-action. Now I do think we do the whole couple thing pretty well, but I had no idea we were someone else's poster child for second relationships. This blog notwithstanding, the sexy wife and I basically go about our lives without a lot of fanfare, so its surprising to find out we're the source of scrutiny we never even knew about.

On a related note, I started this blog referencing the drunken housewife blog. I did that because she is funny, happy, loquacious and entertaining. The very next posting she made after I did that involved difficulties in her marriage. Which obviously makes for a less funny and upbeat blog. Sigh. Relationships are hard. Hopefully having this venue as another way to interact is a good thing.

Now, how do I convince the sexy wife to skip out of work and head up to the room...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

From Her: F*ck Florida

So here I am, in our hotel room doing the "school" side of my life while fun-seeking husband is out to dinner with the conference group. I spent the day working (if you call sitting around with fellow conference staff creating a blog, work). He slept in, went out for breakfast and laid on the beach with some sort of slushy rum beverage. Tonight, instead of going out for "relaxation", I'm doing homework and listening to the delightful screams of vacationers splashing in the pool just outside our balcony. Where is the balance in that, I ask?

And in the midst of all this fun I'm having in my balanced life, Child #2 calls in great distress. She is visiting her father's side of the family and hating it. She always hates it, but this time she called me crying hysterically. "Grandma and Grandpa just yelled at me.....and no one stuck up for me, not even Dad." I counseled her to just give up on the whole lot of them and live her own life the way she wants to live it. At least then I won't have to be involved in all that ex-family drama. (Is parental counseling centered on selfish goals the sign of a good parent?)

So, balance. I think fun-seeking husband meant to say that I am better at working before playing, and he is better at playing before working. As we are well establishing in our posts thus far.

From him: Florida

Happy in Florida for the week away from home and kids. Its not a vacation, exactly, since we're both working, but the hotel is beautiful, the beach is great, and there is alcohol and good food. The sexy wife is doing an awesome job (better than I) of balancing work and school and relaxation. The red wine with dinner last night definitely helped.

The Chicago kids were hilarious when we told them we were going away for a week. Both independently said to me "Its going to be hell living with my brother/sister for a week with you gone." Oh well, they'll survive.

Child #2 never sleeps in her room due to the large amounts of personal belongings (aka crap, and I'm tempted to use a stronger word) that came back from college with her for the summer. Normally she crashes out on the couch, but we removed all the sheets and covers from our bed in a (probably vain) attempt to prevent her sleeping in our bed for the week. That probably seems a little passive aggressive, but I like to think of it as good old-fashioned messing with your kids.

Monday, June 23, 2008

From Him: Makeup sex

The sexy wife made that previous blog entry before the evening got worse. Fortunately for me, or there would have been a much more verbose oration on my failings as both a human being and a husband. The evening out with the guys stretched late into the night, and I was perhaps a little more terse in some of my responses to the sexy wife than I should have been. This left the impression that hanging out with the guys was of greater importance than spending a few minutes talking to my better half. To the point that the word "a**hole was used in reference to this poor blogger.

I like to think of the whole thing as a demonstration of how deep and solid is our relationship. While the next couple of days were not entirely pleasant ("Get your hands off me!"), we worked things through and the make-up sex was (as always) great. The sexy wife is a great believer in motivating her husband to work on resolving issues, and ensuring that EVERYTHING is worked through before moving on to the make-up sex provides for significant motivation.

You hear the phrase "lingering resentment" thrown around, and I really believe that if there is "lingering resentment" after you have made up from a fight, it is a bad sign (I'll have to consult blogger to see how to further emphasize bad.) So even though I was an a**hole, I don't think we have any lingering resentment. I think that is hugely important. We've both been married before, and certainly in my previous relationship "lingering resentment" was a constant fact of life, like a bad tattoo.

I'm sure if I'm wrong about there being no lingering resentment, I'll hear about it here if not elsewhere.

On a completely unrelated note, if you're into blogging its worth reading What Thomas Edison Can Teach You about Blogging. Some of the more interesting conclusions are that most blogs are abandoned after a month or two, and the average time that it takes a blog to rise to the top of the pile is around three years.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

From Her: He's out getting drunk

While I was at work today, he was off at a company outing. A sunny, warm, afternoon baseball game complete with burgers, dogs and of course, beer. How else does one do baseball?

It was all very nice and I enjoyed his noble attempt at fitness by riding his bicycle to the field, only to "forget" the lock combination long enough to walk home, drive to the hardware store, purchase a bolt cutter, rip off the packaging, throw away the receipt (as if he would return it anyway) and drive all the way back to his lonely bike at the ballpark. Entertainment at its best considering he is usually the astute one.

It was all very nice and entertaining, until I arrived home after my hour commute to cat puke on my laptop (luckily it was closed), and the air conditioning cooling the house on its way out the windows. How silly of me to think a 20 year old would have more sense. Suddenly, the phone call from my spirited husband, now drinking al fresco at a posh little place downtown, with his guy friends who-ha'ing in the background, was much less amusing. "I'll call you later," he said. Good idea. And it only got worse when he did.

I was working out with the girls and suddenly realized the need to rush to the bathroom to deal with the untimely, bursting reminder that I still produce unwanted eggs, when he called from his guy friend's deck. I blame myself for even answering the phone; then I turned it off.

Let's just call it a night sweetheart.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

From Him: The first post

I have to confess that this blog is shamelessly motivated by The Drunken Housewife. I have always been envious of people who can blog consistently and entertainingly, which she invariably does. Her blog is fueled by precocious small children, innumerable pets and a suitably ironic husband all lubricated by appropriate (or sufficiently inappropriate) amounts of alcohol.

Unfortunately I have to conclude that someone with a similar amount of alcohol, but living on the opposite side of the gender divide will never be as entertaining. For some reason it is "cute" to read about women struggling with life. When a guy does it, the same story comes across as pathetic. Thus even though I too have children (older, but equally entertaining), pets, and a spouse with enough foibles to provide daily inspiration, it is unlikely that anything I write would capture the interest of the Internet as a whole.

The nice thing about being a couple is that you can compensate for each other's inadequacies. Even though I haven't quite mentioned it to her yet, this blog is a couples blog, wrapped in just enough anonymity that we can talk about subject that would most likely offend the children (who aren't really interested in knowing what we do in the bedroom with the door closed), or parents (some of whom refuse to use a computer, and therefore aren't really a worry), or friends (whom we would like to keep.)

When I was looking for a title for this blog (and ended up with the shameless rip-off of the drunken housewife) I tried "couplelife". That one was taken, but I laughed out loud because the current title of that blog on blogspot is "Frustrating Relationship". I guess we'll have to figure out who gets to control the title of this blog.