Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From him: Changing jobs

I'm starting to conclude that there are different kinds of bloggers. Some people are great at blogging in the heat of life. The more crazy life gets, the more they have the need to share it with the world, perhaps because getting it out of your head and getting it into the ether is a stress reliever. Other people blog more contemplatively, sharing the kind of keen insights that only come when you have a couple of hours and your beverage of choice (caffeinated, alcoholic, hot, cold, it seems a necessary ingredient.)

I'm still evolving as a blogger, but I think I am more of the latter. When things get crazy I'm not so good. And things are definitely interesting now.

I'm changing jobs after being with the same (big blue) company for almost 22 years. That is a scary thought, but I'm excited as well. I feel exactly the same way I felt when I bungee jumped in New Zealand. And the sexy wife has been really supportive. Change is not really her thing, but she's been happy for me, and very calm about things like me dropping out of a trip to San Francisco I was going to go with her on.

Its been especially interesting telling all my co-workers I'm leaving. They too are universally happy for me, and its a bit telling, I think, that there is a degree of envy. Many of the people I work with have been here for a long time. 30 years is not unknown. And part of that is the sense of (perhaps false) security in a nice big corporate environment. So I feel kind of like the lone warrior stepping out from the walls of the village and exploring the big bad world outside. We'll see whether I come scurrying back to the walls in terror when I see what's out there.

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