Sunday, September 7, 2008

From him: Saturday night

Saturday night was a really good night. The day was long and hard. It would have been easier to handle 9 hours of home improvements if we hadn't been good and done some running and working out first. Needless to say, by 8pm we were totally wiped out. We spent the evening at home, having dinner, and then drinking wine and port and playing Gin by candle light. Josh Groban, Diana Krall, and Michael Buble on the stereo.

We played until the sexy wife could no longer recognize three-of-a-kind in her hand and then called it a night. It was really nice having a romantic, kid-free evening with just the two of us.

Having the 23-year-old wake us up at 1:00am because he was locked out of the house only put a small damper on the relaxation.

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